A recurring character of mine I keep drawing and redesigning from time to time. Here's the latest version.
1 Dec 2009
Magic Hammer WIP
The idea in few word: a bad ass warrior mage with a knick for picking locks and brewing potion, wielding a great hammer of war. In other words - the most thinly spread multi-class possible to achieve in Eschalon Book I by Basilisk Games (http://basiliskgames.com/) . For some good old fashioned dungeon crawling goodness check the demo of this fine indy rpg!
29 Nov 2009
Mixed Media Attempt 2
Alchemy experiments
28 Nov 2009
Bike Sketch
A quick and tiny doodle of bike and girl. Just a rough idea from some time ago, I never posted back then.
4 Sept 2009
Here's a speed paint of random vehicle, without any thought involved. The task was to impovise and get something finished in decent level of detail in about an hour. I kinda worked, the lighting is a bit vague and the design is meh, but it kinda looks cute. I also managed to get a video of this one recorded and it's being already 3 hours since I'm trying to downsize it and crop it a bit, no success this far.
And here's the time-laps. The quality is a bit poor, don't ask how I did it, it was long and painful. I hope it'll be useful :).